Mickey Rooney Belated Centenary Blogathon is Here!

The Mickey Rooney Belated Centenary Blogathon is here! I’m glad to be hosting this event. If you are a participant, please comment with the link to your post and I’ll get you added on this page.

Mickey would have turned 100 on September 23rd of this year, so I wanted to make sure to mark the occasion! Do you have a favorite Mickey Rooney performance?

Girl Crazy is mine! Look for a post later today and I’ll be adding posts as they are completed!

KN Winiarski Writes – Girl Crazy

MovieRob – Pulp, Operation Mad Ball and Ambush Bay

Movies Meet Their Match – What’s My Line?

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society – Thoroughbreds Don’t Cry

Hometowns to Hollywood – The Hometown and Legacy of Mickey Rooney

Poppity Talks Classic Film – The Big Operator

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6 thoughts on “Mickey Rooney Belated Centenary Blogathon is Here!”

  1. Pingback: Mickey Rooney Belated Centenary Blogathon - Girl Crazy - KN Winiarski Writes

  2. Pingback: 100 new Code Films – #91. “Thoroughbreds Don’t Cry” from 1937; Jockey Rooney | pure entertainment preservation society

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