Announcing the 1st Annual Frank Sinatra Blogathon!

I absolutely love Frank Sinatra. I know many of you classic movie afficionados are probably familiar with his acting work, but there may be a bunch of people out there who primarily know him as a singer! I wanted to host a blogathon on my favorite leading man to celebrate what would have been his 105th birthday!

Please post your entry between December 11th and December 13th!


  1. We are sticking to his movies, both musical and not, to showcase his talent as an actor as well as singer.
  2. Two posts per topic is allowed.
  3. No more than 3 posts per person.
  4. Make sure to follow or subscribe to receive updates!
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Grab a banner and let’s have some fun!


KN Winiarski Writes: Higher and Higher, His Bobbysoxer Days and Why I’m Such a Sucker for Sinatra

Realweegiemidget Reviews – Magnum Season 7, episode 18 called Laura

Box Office Poisons – The Tender Trap

Love Letters to Old Hollywood– Personal Dedication

In The Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood – Personal Tribute

Poppity Talks Classic Film – Meet Danny Wilson

The Midnite Drive-In – The Detective

Dubsism – Von Ryan’s Express

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society– Frank Sinatra costume

Along the Brandywine – The Manchurian Candidate

Hamlette’s Soliloquy – Young at Heart

Don’t forget about my Spooky Classic Movie Blogathon later this month and my Mickey Rooney Blogathon in November as well!

21 thoughts on “Announcing the 1st Annual Frank Sinatra Blogathon!”

      1. Pride and Passion, Kings Go Forth, Hole in the Head, Can-Can , Manchurian Candidate, Von Ryan’s Express , Cast a Giant Shadow , Tony Rome and Lady in Cement.

        Wanted The Detective for a specific reason. No spoilers… have to wait for the review.😁

  1. Dear Kristen,

    I really want to join this blogathon, but I realized it is the same weekend as my Happy Holidays Blogathon, so I have already committed myself to writing about two new Code films this week. However, I thought of a way I can still join. I would love to write about a costume which Frank Sinatra wore in one of his movies. Would that be alright?

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

  2. Hi! This is Heidi from Along the Brandywine and this does look fun…. 🙂 I have and have been wanting to watch Manchurian Candidate (1962), so I’m gonna try and fit it in. Can you put me down for that?

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