Announcing Mickey Rooney: A Belated Centenary Blogathon

September 23rd would have been Mickey’s 100th birthday. It kind of snuck up on me, but Girl Crazy came out on November 26, 1943, so I’m going to coordinate the blogathon close to that anniversary.

It will be taking place from November 20th through November 22nd since the 26th is Thanksgiving!

Blogathon Rules

  1. No more than two articles on the same subject.
  2. No more than three subjects per person.
  3. Disrespectful articles will not be included.

Make sure to subscribe or follow, so you don’t miss announcements!

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I will create a new post at the start of the blogathon to link entries! Comment there with your link.

Grab a banner and let’s have some fun!


KN Winiarski Writes – Girl Crazy

In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood– Mickey and Judy

Poppity Talks Classic Film – The Big Operator (1959) and personal dedication.

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society -Mickey’s Costumes

Musings of an Introvert – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Movies Meet Their Match – Appearance on What’s My Line?

Hometowns to Hollywood – The Hometown and Legacy of Mickey Rooney

Movie Rob – Ambush Bay, Pulp and Operation Mad Ball

22 thoughts on “Announcing Mickey Rooney: A Belated Centenary Blogathon”

  1. Dear Kristen,

    This sounds like a great blogathon topic! Good old Mickey Rooney certainly deserves his own celebration! I would love to join. Please put me down for writing about some costume of his as part of my Film Fashion Friday series.

    By the way, is there any chance I can persuade you to join our October blogathon, the Great Breening Blogathon: We are excited about your entries in our two later blogathons and know that your talent would be an asset to any blogathon!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Hi Tiffany!
      Great! Thanks for joining! I’ll take a look at your Great Breening Blogathon and see if I can make it work!

  2. Ooh, wonderful! I love Mickey Rooney! I’ll write for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. What a great, great movie and such a neat role for him as Puck!

    1. Hi Carissa!
      Just wanted to check in as I’m wrapping up the blogathon post.. were you still planning on writing this?

      1. Hey! I’m so sorry, life got out of hand a little bit the last several days. I didn’t get a chance to write the blog post. 🙁 I’m looking forward to reading through all of the entries, though, when I get a chance! I hope it was a success!

  3. Hello! I wrote a post on the movie Little Lord Fauntleroy on his birthday to celebrate, but I’d love to join in with this! I don’t know what I’ll do yet, but can you put me as To Be Decided? Thanks a ton!

    MovieCritic | Movies Meet Their Match

      1. Hi, I’m back again with my decision! Can I write about his appearance on the game show What’s My Line?? It’s something that I’ve started doing on my blog. If that won’t work, let me know and I can try to think of something else. Thanks!

  4. Pingback: Mickey Rooney: A Belated Centenary Blogathon – Operation Mad Ball (1957) | MovieRob

  5. Pingback: Mickey Rooney: A Belated Centenary Blogathon – Ambush Way (1966) | MovieRob

    1. Yes! I’m planning on doing them all! I’m going to be putting out a call for the Peter Lawford one for early September this week!

    2. And I’d like to join, but I haven’t been able to pick a movie yet. I’m trying to find something before 1960..

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