Announcing the 3rd Annual Spooky Classic Movie Blogathon!

So excited to be bringing this back as I love Halloween! Pick a favorite spooky film/director/actor pre-1970 to write about (unless comparing two films like I am. See below) !


  1. Each participant can enter up to three subjects
  2. One duplicate per subject
  3. Post between October 29 and November 1st!


Kristen at Hoofers and Honeys – The Mummy (1932 and The Mummy (1999)

Gill at Real Weegie Midget Reviews – Spirits of the Dead (1968)

Grab the banner and let’s get spooky!

7 thoughts on “Announcing the 3rd Annual Spooky Classic Movie Blogathon!”

  1. A spooky movie blog-a-thon? Perfect…since most would be terrified at the though of yet another of my silly sports analogies. 1978’s Halloween has a really good one, but are you brave enough to find out?

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