Frank Sinatra- Why I’m Such a Sucker for Sinatra, His Bobbysoxer Days and Higher and Higher

There is no doubt about it. Frank Sinatra is my all-time favorite singer and performer. I first discovered him through his movies with Gene Kelly {Anchors Aweigh, On the Town and Take Me Out to the Ball Game} and soon was smitten. His characters are very endearing in those and that voice is so smooth and relaxing.

He has a large role in my life. I even walked down the aisle to this song (The Right Girl for Me from Take Me Out to the Ballgame) at my wedding…swooooooonnnn…

My bridesmaids walked into the one below.. and I actually sing my son to sleep with it now- Time After Time from It Happened in Brooklyn.

My first published short story, Wishful Thinking, was based on this poster that I had in my room. He actually steps out of the picture in the story, which is probably every bobbysoxer’s dream!

Image from

He is the ultimate stress relief. When I listen to him sing, my shoulders relax, tension I didn’t even realize I was holding, melts away. His voice is magnificent.

Bobbysoxer Days

Girls went absolutely crazy for Frank in the 40’s. He even caused a riot that is referred to as the Columbus Day Riot.

Higher and Higher

This was Frank’s acting debut and acted as a springboard for his acting career.

They cast him as himself because they didn’t think he would be able to portray another character. How little they knew! He went on to have a very successful acting career even though people don’t always remember that.


When they discover that their employer is bankrupt, his servants hatch a scheme to pass off maid Millie as his daughter to land a rich husband. The only problem is that Frank Sinatra lives next door and has been waving at her…

Marcy McGuire

Frank’s scenes with Marcy in this movie are my favorites. She is so cute and portrays a great bobbysoxer in a way. She is awed by him.

Mel Torme

In addition to being Frank’s debut, it’s also Mel Torme’s. He was just 18! Here he is with the rest of the cast, trying to break through Marcy’s infatuation with Frank.

Other Familiar Faces

Tin Man, Jack Haley, and Emma from White Christmas, Mary Wickes, are also in this one.

Mary Wickes, Frank, Michele Morgan and Jack Haley

This is a fun movie with some fun songs. It is a great opportunity to see Frank in one of his earliest roles. I really enjoy this one and while it’s not one of his most popular, it’s a good time.

Happy birthday, Frankie! Check out the rest of entries in my blogathon here!

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1 thought on “Frank Sinatra- Why I’m Such a Sucker for Sinatra, His Bobbysoxer Days and Higher and Higher”

  1. Pingback: Welcome to the 1st Annual Frank Sinatra Blogathon! - KN Winiarski Writes

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