As a mom it can be hard to find the time to workout. It took me 8 months after my second to get back to it and now he’s teething. Go figure! It can be hard to find the time sometimes. The other day, I couldn’t put him down. I didn’t do my weights workout. I didn’t work. I held my baby because some days you just have to. What I did do? 9 minutes of yoga when he was cool for a few min.

How do you get moving when you’re overwhelmed by the kids (or the dog)? Some days you need to get creative. Check out the tips below!
– Mentality shift
The days of doing 30-60 min workouts are gone, mama. Sure, it was nice to workout when you wanted and get it done all at once, but that’s not your life anymore. Realize when you hit the mat or strap on your shoes that you may not be able to finish and that’s okay. I’ve stopped mid-workout to change a diaper or nurse. I’ve stopped because the 3 year old needed something. It’s going to happen, but that doesn’t mean you may not get 10 to 20 min done before it does!
– Set your kid up with an activity
To buy yourself some time, make sure the kids have something to do. If your kid is cool coloring or doing puzzles by themselves, awesome. I work out in the basement and my daughter wants to be close to me, which leads me to the next point.
– Workout together
My 3 year old will do yoga along with me. We do different videos though. I set her up on Cosmic Kids Yoga, which is awesome, and I do Yoga with Adrienne. Jamie keeps her entertained and since my daughter is older, she’s actually doing more moves. As she does that, I do the yoga I need, which primarily helps to stretch out my shoulders, which are tight from carrying her 22 lb baby brother around.
She’ll also do some squats and strength training with me. Sometimes we do kicking and punching (Les Mills Combat) together too. Just watch out you have enough room for that!
– Change what working out means to you
Some days you may not have the structured activity that you’re looking for. Work with what you have! Have a dance party or chase your kid! Go for a walk together. Whatever ways you can get moving throughout the day will all help!
– Give yourself a break
Lastly, we know we’re hardest on ourselves. Didn’t get moving today? Yesterday either? Oh well, move on. Think of something fun for tomorrow! Remember what a great example you’re setting for your kids!
What are your favorite ways to get moving? What do your kids like to do?