I know it’s been a while since I’ve written. I’ve been stuck in the whirlwind that is life, but I miss my blog and writing my own stuff, so I’m back!
And I have a hugely ambitious week and month ahead of me. In addition to my freelance writing that makes some extra dollars, I’m also planning to participate in NaNoWriMo (National novel writing month), started working out again, fixing my diet and, of course, have my increasingly demanding 18 month old to take care of as well. I’m insane and don’t know how I’m going to do NaNo, but I’m aching to work on my own stuff, so hopefully it’ll at least help me get some words on the page. I’m also going to write here about how difficult it all is. Ha. I also need to figure out a new low carb dinner for later this week.
The title of this blog is in tribute to Hailey’s newest favorite movie, The Wizard of Oz. The tin man is her new love. She just wants to watch him dance over and over again. She is exhausting, amazing, smart and goofy. Watching her grow is the best and hardest thing. No matter how ambitious the rest of this is, I’m still going to play with her as much as she wants. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
I did succeed in doing weights, yoga and this blog today, so it’s a pretty good start. Are you planning on NaNo or have a good recipe for me? Let me know! Haha