Yay! Let’s have some fun with Bing and Bob!

I’ll be adding the posts as they’re published!
I take us to Alaska in Road to Utopia!
Gill at Reel Weegie Midget Reviews takes a spin through High Society
Ruth at Silver Screenings takes us to Alias Jesse James
Emily at The Flapper Dame examines Bing and Grace Kelly’s relationship
Rebecca at Taking Up Room – Road to Bali
Hi there! A post on Alias Jesse James has been uploaded here:
Looking forward to reading the entries!
Ruth from Silver Screenings
Pingback: Bob Hope: Accidental Genius | Silver Screenings – USA MOVIE NEWS LIVE
Pingback: Bing and Grace: The 2nd Bing and Bob Blogathohn – The Flapper Dame
Hello! Here is my entry about Bing and Grace! Thanks for hosting!
Will be reading the Judy thing soon- I will have more time in june !
thanks for hosting
Thank you! And thank you again. I hope you enjoy it 🙂
Hi, Kristen! Hope this isn’t too late–I fell asleep, lol. Thanks again for hosting! https://takinguproom.com/2024/06/02/road-to-bali/
Ha, of course not too late! I’m putting mine up today too. Thanks again for joining!
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