Welcome to the 1st Annual Frank Sinatra Blogathon!

Frank Sinatra is my favorite, so I’m really excited to be hosting a blogathon in honor of what would have been his 105th birthday tomorrow, December 12th! If you are a participant, please comment with your link!

Screenshot by me
Screenshot by me
Screenshot by me

Happy birthday, Frankie!

List of Participants

KN Winiarski Writes – Why I’m Such a Sucker for Sinatra/Higher and Higher

Box Office Poisons – The Tender Trap vs. High Society

Along the Brandywine – The Manchurian Candidate

Dubsism – Von Ryan’s Express

Love Letters to Old Hollywood – Swooning for Sinatra

Hamlette’s Soliloquy- Young at Heart

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society – Frank Sinatra’s Signature Hat

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7 thoughts on “Welcome to the 1st Annual Frank Sinatra Blogathon!”

  1. Pingback: Frank Sinatra- Why I'm Such a Sucker for Sinatra, His Bobbysoxer Days and Higher and Higher - KN Winiarski Writes

  2. Pingback: Film Fashion Friday 31. Frank Sinatra’s Signature Hat | pure entertainment preservation society

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